Written by Giavanna Foster

Harry Styles’ “Adore You” is #2 on YouTube Trending. This video is receiving likes and positive feedback from viewers. Here’s the scoop:

The official video for Harry Styles’ “Adore You” received 601k+ likes in less than 24 hours. This video also received 4M+ views. This powerful, cinematic video illustrates a story about ‘The Boy’, played by Harry Styles. Rosalía is the narrator, Dave Meyers is the director, and Nathan Scherrer is the producer. Also, Kid Harpoon composed the score for this video.

The boy is the hero in the “Adore You” video. At first, the boy is isolated in the Isle of Eroda because of his bright smile. Then, the boy finds a fish in the sea who shared the feeling of isolation. This video illustrates a powerful story of friendship between the boy and the fish. In the end, a group of people helps the boy safely move the fish to the coast. Afterwards, the boy pushes the fish into the sea. The boy restored peace in Eroda and brought joy to the town.

After the “Adore You” video premiered, it received a lot of positive feedback on social media. ARTSNLA is featuring the following fan tweet: